“Sustainable food systems that ensure health-promoting nutrition for all need urgent attention and will benefit people and the planet alike.” - The Lancet
The Lancet, a U.K.-based medical journal, declared 2019 “The Year for Nutrition,” announcing its plans to release several reports tackling myriad nutrition issues, from eating healthier diets in the EAT-Lancet commission report to addressing hunger, undernutrition and obesity, to taking action on climate change. With each report over the past two years has come a long list of radical policy recommendations that seek to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products globally, while eliminating consumer choice and potentially driving up food costs.
While we in the agricultural community agree with the commissions conducting the research that we all must do our part to protect the health of people and the planet and address global issues such as food security and food waste, we believe these reports are doing a disservice to the public dialogue. Like many other organized attacks on animal agriculture, the commissions are suggesting policy changes that are not reflective of the current science, are misrepresentative of the nutritional value of protein and dairy products and do not account for the agriculture industry’s sustainability advances.
For decades, the animal food industry has been working with researchers, nutritionists and veterinarians to develop more efficient diets and bring new ingredients to market that allow the industry to conserve natural resources while providing animals with optimal nutrition and health. It is essential that national and international leaders making policy decisions hear the facts about our changing climate and food production systems.
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