Feed Bites

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There are 55 item(s) tagged with the keyword "member value".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 55

11. AFIA's 4 Promises to Members

At the American Feed Industry Association, we take our promises to members very seriously. Hear from animal food industry peers on how the AFIA best exemplifies its Four Promises to members and how you can benefit from them.

Tags: Member value
By Sarah Novak
12. Member Perspective: How to Get More out of Your Membership through AFIA Committees

When I joined Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production five years ago, I had no agricultural background and was hired for my microbiology and regulatory experience. I remember one of my first days on the job, learning that farmers use manure to fertilize their crops, feed those crops back to the cows, and then the cows complete the circle. I thought WOW, what a concept! I still look back at those days and laugh, but also remind myself how much I have learned.

Tags: Guest perspective, Member value
By Guest
13. AFIA Committees Are Hard at Work

The American Feed Industry Association’s committees shared their accomplishments from the 2021-22 AFIA fiscal year and outlined their goals for the coming year. Our committee members are critical to our success and we would like to share a few of the highlights and happenings.

Tags: Member value
By Guest
14. Ensuring a Successful Future for AFIA

I am excited and humbled to begin my new role as chair of the American Feed Industry Association Board of Directors. It is an honor to work with the staff of this great organization which genuinely cares about the industry, its members and sustainable nutrition for the world.

Tags: Member value
By Guest
15. Back on the Road for AFIA – Eight Planes in Eleven Days

As some of you know, I have a rating system for airport bathrooms based on stall size, placement of hooks and shelves, accessibility to soap, hand drying features, cleanliness and décor. During a recent 11-day trip combining vacation time with attendance at the Oregon Feed and Grain Association meeting, Pet Food Forum and Pet Food Alliance, I had a chance to refine my rating system and I realized that airport bathrooms have a lot in common with dairy free stalls. Both are designed for efficiency, comfort and cleanliness, and some work better than others.  

Tags: Member value, Pets
By Louise Calderwood
16. It's AFIA Award Season!

Every year, the American Feed Industry Association has the honor of thanking those who have greatly impacted our industry in a positive way. These outstanding individuals represent the ‘best of the best,’ exhibiting amazing expertise to help the AFIA achieve its goals and objectives, providing outstanding support to the entire feed industry throughout their careers and making significant contributions to animal feed.

Tags: Member value
By Lacie Dotterweich
17. Congrats to Our 2022 Pet Health Innovators!

Congratulations to this year's AFIA Friend of Pet Food Award winners - George Fahey, Ph.D., of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UI) and Dennis Jewell, Ph.D., formerly of Hill's Pet Nutrition. 

Tags: Pet Food, Member value, Pets
By AFIA Editor
18. A Love Letter to AFIA Events

One of my favorite parts of my job working at the American Feed Industry Association is getting to see members at our events. While I enjoy my day to day duties of keeping up with issues affecting animal food manufacturers and writing newsletters, blogs, social media posts, etc., it really hits home when I am able to meet and get to know the people I am helping. It also doesn't hurt that we have the NICEST and friendliest members!

Tags: Member value, Education
By Lacie Dotterweich
19. Cybersecurity - Life Is Stranger Than Fiction

From comedy to drama, computers have provided rich themes for movies for nearly 60 years from bringing about the end of the world with a computerized nuclear program using the slapstick humor of “Dr. Strangelove” (1963) to the drama of “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968). For many businesses, 2021 has been the year that the reality of cybersecurity became stranger than fiction as data was encrypted and ransoms were paid in the wake of several high profile cyberattacks. It is time for business of all sizes to address computer safety and take steps to protect their data and wallets from cyber criminals.

Tags: Member value
By Louise Calderwood
20. New Industry Resources Available for Your Use

It is my pleasure to introduce the American Feed Industry Association's inaugural, "Our Industry, Our Promise" report, which provides an overview of the challenges the U.S. animal food industry is currently facing and the ways the association is delivering on its policy priorities on behalf of its 650+ members.

Tags: Member value, IFEEDER
By Victoria Broehm

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 55

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