There are 21 item(s) tagged with the keyword "our role in ag".
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We’ve all read the studies that say in order to stay on top of our game, we must make time to reflect, relax and recharge. We must continue to read and learn new things and connect with those who inspire and challenge us. For me, I have made a point of taking time every year to do just that – by participating in the World Food Prize.
Earlier this year, the animal food industry released a really great research report chock-full of information about America’s pet food manufacturing industry. The Institute for Feed Education and Research and American Feed Industry Association have been sharing this information to interested stakeholders far and wide, telling the story of how the country’s 500+ pet food manufacturers not only provide balanced, safe meals for America’s dogs and cats, but also stimulate the overall agricultural economy through the purchase of ingredients, labor and services from related industries.
It has been about a year since I joined the American Feed Industry Association. I can say without a doubt – it has not been the year I expected! Instead of spending my days on the road meeting AFIA’s members in their offices or at their facilities, attending events and seeing the AFIA team work with our members to deliver first-class education and networking events, or meeting in-person with elected officials and government representatives, half of the year has been spent learning a new way of doing business.
Our summer issue of the AFIA Journal is out! As the editor of the biannual publication, it is always my pleasure pulling the content and design of this piece together, but this issue is much more meaningful to me for several reasons.
Is there any better cooking device than the grill? I don’t think I could be convinced otherwise. You can cook anything on the grill! Burgers, chicken, vegetables, fruit, beans – even pizza. As a grilled-meat lover, I can’t wait until the weather warms up enough to fire up the grill. So, when I learned that July is National Grilling Month, I thought we had better take the opportunity to commemorate the occasion and thank all of the feed manufacturers, farmers and ranchers who make summer dinners on the grill possible.
In this tumultuous time, our industry plays an important role in not only getting fact-based news and information out, but also in sharing the powerful story of our industry employees, who continue to report to work to ensure a stable feed and pet food supply. The American Feed Industry Association is participating in and following a few social media initiatives to help share the stories of the agriculture industry and we hope that you will join us.
“It’s really exciting to be able to say that the pet food industry really goes all the way back to the farm and then all the way back into those rural communities, supporting those retailers that support the farmer.”
The theme of this year’s National Agriculture Day, “Food brings everyone to the table,” hits home for the animal food industry. While the animal food industry may not be the most well understood in the overall agricultural industry, we play a unique and very important role in U.S. agriculture – making sure America’s livestock (and thus people) and pets are fed nutritious and safe food!
My black, shorthaired miniature dachshund, Stella, is a member of my family. Like any other family member, I want the very best for her – from exercise to great toys to treats and food. I was very excited when the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER), along with the Pet Food Institute (PFI) and North American Renderers Association (NARA), embarked on a study to look at what ingredients are used in pet food and the pet food industry’s impact on the U.S. agricultural economy.
Last week, I had the opportunity to join National FFA Organization members from across the country at FFA’s brand new NextGen Conference, which focused on animal system career pathways. The room was full of high school juniors and seniors who were eager to learn from industry representatives about potential careers as nutritionists, veterinarians, marketing managers and salespeople in the animal agriculture industry. I was there to talk about my career and the animal food industry, but I learned far more from the young people sitting in that room who will be responsible for solving some of agriculture’s greatest and most daunting challenges.
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