
AFIA Congratulates Tai as US's New Chief Trade Negotiator

March 17, 2021

Contact Victoria Broehm, Director of Communications

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) congratulates Katherine Tai for her appointment as the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). AFIA’s President and CEO Constance Cullman issued the following statement today following Tai’s U.S. Senate confirmation on Capitol Hill.

“On behalf of the U.S. animal food industry, we extend our congratulations to the new U.S. chief trade negotiator, Ambassador Katherine Tai. Ambassador Tai’s experience in the House Ways and Means Committee along with her previous tenure with the U.S. Trade Representative makes her an excellent choice for this position. Her negotiating skills will also be critical for the Biden administration as it works with allies to realize the full benefits of the recently implemented trade agreements, pursue modern agreements with new countries and regions, and ensure that transparency and scientific integrity is at the center of decision-making within international trade bodies.

“In 2020, the animal food industry supported U.S. total exports with $13-billion-worth of feed, feed ingredients and pet food products exports. We pledge to work closely with the USTR to continue providing expertise and guidance that will ensure industry priorities are represented during trade negotiations.”